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Choose Water

Judith Rodoler's message is simple and healthy. Choose water.

As the project manager with Healthy Kids Community Challenge Niagara, Rudoler is on a mission to spread the word that kids should be reaching for a glass of water instead of a sugary drink to quench their thirst.

"Kids are consuming an alarming amount of liquid sugar" Rudoler said. The sugar is really detrimental to their physical health, dental health and mental health. Kids don't need all that sugar."

Fact is, water is the natural choice for children to stay hydrated and healthy. Water also makes up more than half of a child's weight, and they need a steady supply to keep their bodies working and growing properly.

Visit to watch the video and learn more.

How to make it the first choice:

Keep pitchers of water on the kitchen counter/fridge.

Put water on the table during mealtimes.

Fill up re-usable bottles for school or sporting activities.

This story was provided by the Healthy Kids Niagara for commercial purposes.

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